LOUIS ROOM - This room will hold 25 to 30 people depending on the arrangement of chairs and the use of tables. The normal furniture available in this room is four tables and sixteen chairs. For any other arrangement the library will require at least a one day advanced notice to allow for setup. The room has a projection screen available for use. Reservations should be made at least one month in advance of the event. FOOD & DRINK - Food and non-alcoholic beverages are allowed in this room. The clean-up and disposal of any food and drinks is the responsibility of the individual or group that originally reserved the room. Patrons using the meeting room are responsible that all conditions of use are followed and assume liability for any injury, loss, or damage to any person or property in or about the room and its contents. Reimbursement for damage to the facility and cleaning the room is the responsibility of the individual and/or group that originally reserved the room
FOUNDER'S ROOM - This room is permanently set up with a single table with twelve chairs. Eight additional chairs are set up around the perimeter of the room. The Founders Room may be used for meetings on a limited basis. It is suitable for smaller groups of a dozen or less. Reservations should be made at least one month in advance of the meeting. This room is not suitable for loud or boisterous groups. FOOD & DRINK-Food and beverages are discouraged in this room. Use of the sink in this room is restricted. Patrons using the meeting room are responsible that all conditions of use are followed and assume liability for any injury, loss, or damage to any person or property in or about the room and its contents. Reimbursement for damage to the facility and cleaning the room is the responsibility of the individual and/or group that originally reserved the room
STUDY ROOMS - These rooms are set up with a single table with six chairs. These rooms are best suited for individual and small group use. Reservations should be made at least twenty-four hours in advance, but walk-ins are welcome. These rooms are not suitable for loud or boisterous groups. FOOD & DRINK-Food and non-alcoholic beverages are allowed in these room. The clean-up and disposal of any food and drinks is the responsibility of the individual or group that originally reserved the room. Patrons using the study rooms are responsible that all conditions of use are followed and assume liability for any injury, loss, or damage to any person or property in or about the room and its contents. Reimbursement for damage to the facility and cleaning the room is the responsibility of the individual and/or group that originally reserved the room Reservations of a study room can be made at the second floor Information and Reference Desk, by calling (937) 773-6753 x225 or email referencedept@piqualibrary.org
To request the Louis or Founder's Room please follow the link below:
*Filling out the request form does not guarantee approval of your request.
AVAILABILITY: Rooms are available during regular library hours. These rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis, however library-sponsored activities have first priority. The library reserves the right to cancel a reservation at any time; however, the library will endeavor to avoid such conflict where possible. There are no fees to use these rooms. Reservations should be made in advance by filling out the online form. Groups/Individuals will be notified as soon as possible of any change in hours of operations that would impact their reservation(s). Groups/Individuals must conclude their meetings/usage to at least fifteen minutes prior to the library closing. There should be a minimum of thirty (30) minute gaps between reservations to allow for spill-over and clean-up of the previous reservation.