National Pokémon Day
National Pokémon Day
National Pokémon Day is Thursday, February 27th! Join the Library for a special library wide scavenger hunt. Pick up your scavenger hunt guides at the Children's Department Desk.
All Ages are welcome to participate in the scavenger hunt.

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Research Databases


Please note: Databases may become unavailable, without notice, for a variety of reasons. We strongly recommend that you save your work to your personal drive.

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
Image Description
African American Heritage Who is waiting to be found?
African American Heritage

African American Heritage is a digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research. It provides users a dedicated, user-friendly resource that not only brings together records critical to African American family research, but also connects them to a community of research experts, whose mentoring and assistance can frequently be the difference between research success and futility.

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American & English Full text literature collection
American and English Literature

Electronic books of American and English literature: poetry, drama, fiction, and the Bible. 

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Discover your family's history
Ancestry Library Edition

(in-library use only) U. S. Census records; military records; court, land and probate records; vital and church records; directories; petitions for naturalization; passenger lists and more. You must be in the library to access this database.

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Big Charts

BigCharts is the world's leading and most advanced investment charting and research site.

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Black Freedom Struggle in the United States over a collage of black Americans.
Black Freedom Struggles

ProQuest's Black Freedom Struggle website provides a rich array of source material on African American efforts to secure civil and human rights – from slavery to the present. 

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Business Source Premier with a chart
Business Source Premier

Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. This database provides full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.  Select All EBSCOhost Databases to access Regional Business News.


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Chilton Library Prepare for the road ahead
Chilton Library

Get the detailed information you need for complete maintenance and repair of your automobile.

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Computer Source available via EBSCOhost
Computer Source

Computer Source provides researchers with the latest information and current trends in high technology. This database offers full text for nearly 300 publications and indexing and abstracts for nearly 450 publications.  Select All EBSCOhost Databases to access Regional Business News.

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DPLA Digital Public Library of America
Digital Public Library of America

Discover 41,844,890 images, texts, videos and sounds from across the United States.

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Screen capture of Drivers Education home page
Driver's Education Practice Tests

The questions on our practice tests resemble those on the official knowledge exams, and we even have a question marathon for you so you can practice, practice, practice!

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Ebsco Host Millions of topics
EBSCO host Databases (All)

Accesses a variety of publications and topics for research. Allows you to set limits, such as material type or publication dates.

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Explora Primary Facts for grades K-5
Explora Primary

The Explora Primary School database provides content suitable to students in elementary school. Features include a simple search that quickly delivers relevant results and easy-to-browse categories organized by popular topic. 

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Explora secondary: Facts for graces 6-12
Explora Secondary

Designed for high school students, students can look up articles and facts for research papers, class projects, or homework from the world’s leading magazines and reference books.

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Fold3 Discover your family's military past

Fold3 Library Edition provides convenient access to US military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. 

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Fuel Economy Guide
Fuel Economy Guide

Get the detailed information you need from the Fuel Economy Guide

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Gale ebooks
Gale eBooks

Gale eBooks is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7. 

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Screen capture of GCF Learn Free front page.
GCF Learn Free

GCF Learn Free is an online educational website focusing on technology, job training, reading, and math skills. GCF offers more than 1,000 lessons and videos completely free.

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HeritageQuest.  Discover your family's history today.

HeritageQuest provides genealogical and historical sources for more than 60 countries, with coverage dating back as early as the 1700s.

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Dayton daily news 1898-1922
Historic Dayton Daily News

This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time. Coverage: 1898 - 1922

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Hobbies and Crafts reference center
Hobbies and Crafts Center

This database offers detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines.

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Home improvement reference center
Home Improvement Reference Center

Through a collection of comprehensive full-text content, this database provides users with detailed, user-friendly “how-to” information covering a variety of home improvement and repair projects.

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Literary Reference Center
Literary Reference Center

This rich full-text database provides a broad spectrum of information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes. It gives students, professors and researchers a foundation of literary reference works to meet their research needs.

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Screen capture of National Geographic front page.
National Geographic

A world leader in geography, cartography and exploration.

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Screen capture of Newspaper Archive front page
Newspaper Archive

Newspaper Archive is the world's best resource for historical and genealogical information. Our unique archive spans more than 400 years of family history, small-town events, world news and more. Explore your family tree and discover your history at the world's largest online newspaper archive.

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All you need is your library card number to dive straight newspapers of the past! 

Must be in Library to use database.

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Oxford research encyclopedias everything you need to know
Oxford Research Encyclopedias

With today’s overabundance of information, and misinformation, students and researchers alike can be overwhelmed in identifying what’s trustworthy, what’s up-to-date, and what’s accurate. Oxford University Press has invested in the Oxford Research Encyclopedias to meet this challenge. Working with international communities of scholars across all fields of study, we are developing new comprehensive collections of in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on an ever-growing range of topics.

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Graphic is student with test paper on desk.  Words:  Keep on prepping, access practice tests for AP, ACT, SAT, GRE and more with Gale Presents: Peterson's Test Prep.  Get started. Gale logo in corner
Peterson's Test Prep and Career Prep

Testing & Education Reference Center (TERC) is a valuable online tool used by library patrons of all ages for standardized test preparation, researching undergraduate and graduate programs, finding tuition assistance, and exploring careers. Community members can even pursue new career paths with test prep assistance for career certification exams and gain advice on resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and networking.

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Resume builder Piqua Public Library
Piqua Public Library Resume Builder
Build your job-winning resume in 3 easy steps.
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Points of view reference center
Points of View Reference Center

Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.

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Profiles of Ohio
Profiles of Ohio

Profiles of Ohio is designed to provide just the right data and insight into the makeup of the state of Ohio. It provides the detail and demographic information that researchers or grant writers need and can also act as curriculum support for high school and college research papers. 

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Ebsco Regional Business News over a picture of skyscrapers
Regional Business News

This database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. Select All EBSCOhost Databases to access Regional Business News.

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Regional Business News Plus over a picture of skyscrapers
Regional Business News Plus

Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States includes full text coverage from several hundred U.S. and International newspapers as well as regional business publications, providing more than 60 million full text articles.  Select All EBSCOhost Databases to access Regional Business News.

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Sanborn Maps over 40,000 detailed historical Ohio Maps
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps

Rich with valuable and detailed information, Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps—originally created as a product to help insurance companies assess the potential risks involved in underwriting policies—have developed into a tool with myriad uses for multiple industries. At Sanborn we take pride in strict quality control standards, which ensures that every map we produce is accurate and detailed.  

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Science Reference Center
Science Reference Center

Designed to meet every student researcher's needs, Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference books and a vast collection of images.

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Small business reference center
Small Business Reference Center

Offers exclusive full text for many top consumer & small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. It includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plans.

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Very short introductions. Get ahead in a new subject quickly.
Very Short Introductions

The perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly … Launched by Oxford University Press in 1995, Very Short Introductions offer concise introductions to a diverse range of subject areas from Climate to Consciousness, Game Theory to Ancient Warfare, Privacy to Islamic History, Economics to Literary Theory. Since the series was launched it has continued to offer new books each year for students and scholars, and the avidly curious, offering a bridge between reference content and higher academic work. All titles provide intelligent and serious introductions to a huge range of subjects, written by experts in the field who combine facts, analysis, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make challenging topics highly readable.


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What tree is it?  Identify by leaf, Identify by fruit, Identify by name
What tree is it?

This resource will help to identify Ohio trees by leaf, fruit, or by name.

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What's that snake?
What's that snake?

Use this resource to identify Ohio snakes based on characteristics or by name.  This resource also helps to dispel many snake related myths. 

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What's the point? Identifying flint artifacts
What's the point?

Get help in identifying Ohio flint artifacts.

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World Book Online
World Book Online

Includes Early World of Learning, Kids, Student, Advanced, Timelimes, Encidlopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos, Hispanica Saber, and L'Encylcopedie Decouverte.

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Horace Rollin Gallery


The Horace Rollin Art Gallery, located on the second floor, is open to the public during library hours. 

The Library's permanent art collection contains well over 150 pieces, some of which are exhibited throughout the building.




Board of Trustees


Kathy Alexander, President
Rick Fry
Teresa Anderson
Kim Miller
Dwayne Thompson 
Carolyn Pearson 
Alexandra Switzer
Jeremie Hittle, Fiscal Officer
Stephenie Rostron, Library Director

Members of the Board of Trustees serve a seven-year term.






Donations to the Library may be made out to Piqua Public Library.  The Library is a 501.c.3-like organization. 

Donations of books or other items that could be added to our collection: